State law requires contributing employers to pay an annual Interest Assessment Surcharge, or IAS, on outstanding Title XXI advances. Beginning July...
Payroll Issues
CompassOne is featuring local businesses in recognition of their contributions to our community. The purpose of this feature program is to generate awareness of local businesses, as well as to salute and thank them for providing the best products and services to our community.
Michael’s Automotive Tech Center
2022 Payroll Tax & Contribution Limits
below are updated tax facts for 2022 to reference for planning your year. Social Security tax The Social Security tax rate in 2022 is unchanged from...
The skinny on the second round of Payroll Protection Plan loans
The new $900 billion economic COVID-19 relief and stimulus package that President Donald Trump signed into law last Sunday includes another $284...
2021 Updated Payroll Tax Facts
below are updated tax facts for 2021 to reference for planning your year. Employee Taxes Tax Type Percentage Wage Base Max Tax OASDI 6.20%...
Exempt and non-exempt status, what’s the difference?
The difference between exempt vs. non-exempt status is easy to identify once you know the differentiating factors. Below we share how to determine a...